How to make quick grilled burger

Published: 24-Apr-2013 (01:04); Viewed: 2412; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to make quick grilled burger
Quick cooking is a very important for those, who in a rush, but still want to have a nice, tasty food. In this recipe, I will tell, how to make quick grilled burger with beef mince. This burger can be a perfect snack for everybody, for any occasions. Combination of a great taste with very short cooking time, make this dish very important for students and other busy persons.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for one portion:
    • Two large, fresh white bread slices.
    • Lean beef mince, ¼ pounds (just buy one good raw quarter pounder)
    • Salt and pepper for taste. In this particular case I've used garlic salt.
    • Drop of cooking oil.

  2. Mix mince with salt and dried herbs if any. Spread mince over the surface of bread slices. Make a thickness of mince about 5-8 mm.

  3. Brush heavy cast iron skillet with cooking oil. Preheat skillet to a high temperature and reduce heat to the medium value. Place burgers, mince down on the skillet and fry about 3-4 minutes. 3-4 minutes is completely enough to cook 5-8 mm beef burger to a save doneness.

  4. Turn them to the brad side down and cook about 1 minute, to make bread a bit crispy and more tasty, with the hint of smoking aroma. Serve and sprinkle with any freshly chopped green herbs.

tips and tricks

  • Use any dried herbs for your mince.
  • It is possible to cook these burger under the grill, but the cooking time should be much bigger to cook them through.
  • After spreading mince over the bread – cook mediately, do not store for any time!
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by: Librarian
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tags: beef; easy recipes; grilling; quick recipes

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