How to cook Philippine adobo chicken

Published: 17-Dec-2017 (03:15); Viewed: 2456; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to cook Philippine adobo chicken
In this recipe I will tell, how to cook Philippine adobo chicken. This dish is so popular in Philippines, that it can be considered as a national dish of Philippines. This recipe was brought by Spanish peoples in XVI century.

The most important idea of this dish, it the cooking process, which include marination chicken in the mixture of vinegar and soy sauce with garlic and black pepper as a main ingredients, frying and then simmering in marinade.

Traditionally chicken adobo served with rice, garnished with green onion and thickened marinade.

There is no single recipe of chicken adobo. Everybody use different ingredients, adopted to their taste. And the way of cooking may vary from one chef to another.

In these recipe, I will show how to cook chicken adobo according to my preferences, and I do understand, than many people will disagree with this way of cooking. But nevertheless, this recipe was approved by native Pinay people.

Please note, because Spanish peoples are wide spread around the world, this recipe of adobo food is well known in many parts of the world. But because this recipe went around the world long ago, it was adopted to local cultural roots and now vary significantly. For example Mexican adobo will be significantly differ from Philippine adobo.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for three portions:
    • Chicken pieces. Preferable legs. Chicken drumsticks are ideal. Just as much as you think it is necessary for tree portion. I usually count two chicken leg pieces per portion.
    • Vinegar 1 cup. In Philippines they use any vinegar. But the apple vinegar will give you a proper balance of the taste.
    • Soy sauce. 1 cup. Again any soy sauce can be used. But the final color richness and the sauce thickness can relate in the brand of soy sauce used. I do prefer to use Kikkoman – it give light flavors and color.
    • Garlic – 1 bulb. Large bulb. Or two small bulbs.
    • Gingeg – 3-4 cm piece. This is not mandatory ingredient, but this is allowed ingredient and it makes dish more flavored.
    • Black pepper – 2 tbsp. Traditionally, in this recipe only peppercorns are used. But you can use black pepper powder. If you prefer powder – adjust to your taste
    • Sugar – 2 tbsp. Not shown on this picture
    • Chili. Again – adjust to your preferences. I use 2 large medium hot chili and it was mild.
    • Bay leaves – 2-3. Not shown on this picture
    • Green onion for serving
    • Salt – NO. This recipe do not require any salt, because say sauce have plenty of salt.
    • A bit of oil for cooking

  2. Finely chop garlic, ginger and chili. Does really matter how you will do it.

  3. Mix sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, black pepper, garlic, chili and ginger. Stir until sugar dissolved.

  4. Marinate chicken pieces in this marinade for few hours. Ideally, leave it for 24 hours. It is very convenient to use plastic bag.

  5. Next day, when the meat properly marinated, it is time to cook! First of all, preheat any frying pan with few drops of any liquid oil. Fry chicken pieces from each side, until skin is crispy.

  6. Add all marinade to the pan. Bring to boil and then simmer with lid 20-30 minutes, turning chicken pieces every so often. At this stage meat should be very tender and soft. Be careful to do not damage it, then turning. When the meat is ready, remove lid and reduce the liquid.

  7. Serve on top of the rice, pour the reduced marinade over the chicken meat and rice. Sprinkle with diagonally chopped green parts of onion. That it. Enjoy.

tips and tricks

  • When marinate overnight – don’t forget to do it in the fridge.
  • When cook chicken with marinade, you can add a bit of water for more simpler chicken cooking, but this is not crucial. Furthermore, if you will add some water – it will be more longer to reduce your liquid at the end.
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by: Librarian
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tags: adobo; chicken; filipino cuisine; poultry; soy sauce; vinegar

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