How to make sous-vide lamb steaks
Published: 16-Apr-2013 (13:55); Viewed: 3576; Difficulty: 4 out of 10
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Sous-vide lamb steaks are very different from traditional steaks, they have the texture of boiled meat and the taste of fried lamb. Also, during long cooking procedure, it is possible to inject almost any flavours into the meat, and not only rely on extra sauces used. Also sous-vide cooking usually splitted into two steps, first long one and second fast one. Between these steps, meat can be stored in the fridge for few days, which is very convenient for restaurants of for large party cooking. In this article, I will describe, how to make sous-vide lamb steaks, which can be used for cooking of not very tender meat, for example for muttons.
step-by-step instructions
- Lamb leg, without shank.
- Greek yoghurt, 250 ml.
- Mint, small bunch
- Basil, small bunch
- Garlic, 2 bulbs
- Salt, 1 tsp
- Black pepper, 1 tsp
- Vegetable oils for frying
The picture contains some other ingredients, which where used for sauce preparation, which will be described in the next article.
 Mix yoghurt with herbs, salt, pepper and garlic.
 Blend it into uniform liquid.
 On the tray, on the cling film layer, place few table spoons of yoghurt with herbs. Cover with other layer of cling film and add some more yoghurt. In total, it is necessary to make as many layers, as many steaks you'd like to prepare. Freeze these yoghurt layers in the freezer, or just chill them.
 Cut meat into an one inch steaks. Remove lymph nodes, glands and large blood vessels if any.
 Wrap each steak with sprig of mint and pinch of black pepper into a cling film with chilled yoghurt.
 Wrap it again with another cling film and fasten the and, to make it almost water proof. Do all your best to remove as much air as possible.
 Place rolls with steak into a sous-vide thermostat with water,.
 Cook in sous-vide at 72 ° C temperature between 3 and 8 hours. Old mutton should be cooked much longer in compare with young lamb.
 Chill down cooked wraps with meat in a stream of cold water or, even better in a water with ice cubes. This will allow to solidify
 Remove meat from the wraps. All solid fat should be removed and all meat juice should be used for making some sauces for this dish.
 Quickly fry these lamb steaks on oil, to make brown coloured surface. Do remember, meat after sous-vide will be cooked very quickly.
 Serve with some sweet minty sauce. For example fried sweet onion with sween mint sauce will be perfect.
tips and tricks
- If it is possible, use lamb caul fat (omentum) instead of yoghurt. In this case, wrap all herbs instead of blend them.
- Use professional vacuum bags for sous-vide cooking, they will be much better and more convenient in compare with cling film, but if it is necessary to wrap liquid compounds, then cling film will be more useful.
- Meat, cooked in sous-vide can be stored few days in the fridge before further cooking.
- If you do not need to use meat juice, then freeze it if for future usage.
- How to prepare sweet mint sauce will be described in other article.
by: Librarian
caul fat;
restaurant recipes;
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