How to grill bistecca alla fiorentina

Published: 15-Jan-2013 (02:12); Viewed: 4199; Difficulty: 4 out of 10

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How to grill bistecca alla fiorentina
Bistecca alla fiorentina, also known as Tuscan Porterhouse can be considered as a most interesting and powerful steak from Italian cuisine, which is a bit bigger than one adult can eat. Yes, this is right, this steak can easily be shared between two or three adults, because of it huge size. From my personal opinion, everybody, who love grill, should try to make this steak at least once. In bistecca alla fiorentina you can find everything you can expect from the steak, very tender meat from tenderloin or fillet part, rich in meaty taste sirloin bit, crusty and smoky meat side with plenty aroma from grill and of course rare centre, full of juice. That is why Tuscan Porterhouse is so beautiful. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find this steak in restaurants, and the price is high. So, do it by yourself, it is nit very difficult.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients are very simple!!! It is necessary to have thick slice of well matured porterhouse steak with some fat around it. On the picture you can see 3 inch thick, 2.2 kg (80 oz.) porterhouse steak. This size is optimal for Bistecca alla fiorentina cooking. If it is too big, you can shrink thickness to 2 inch, but not less! Before cooking, leave this steak for few hours at room temperature, to warm it up.

  2. Preheat charcoal grill and wait, until charcoal bits start develop white ash, but not covered by ash completely, basically fire should disappeared and grill is ready. The distance between charcoals and meat should be about 10-15 cm. Cook porterhouse steak constantly turning from one side to another. Do not cook on each side longer than two minutes. Check the doneness with the meat thermometer. If dripping fat cause the fire, put steak on the bone, until the fire is on – this will save meat from burning. In total it will take about 20-30 minutes to cook Bistecca alla fiorentina on the grill.

  3. When the steak is ready, remove it from the grill and leave for 10 minuted for resting. Cover with foil (not shown) to redistribute temperature.

  4. Slice it and serve with salt, pepper, and any other sauces you like, olive oil and vegetables. For example here this steak was served with freshly prepared mayonnaise.

    For better understanding how to grill portethouse steak, watch our video and follow these simple instructions.

    After this video, you porterhouse steak will be much better!!!.

tips and tricks

  • Check doneness of Tuscan Porterhouse with meat thermometer.
  • It is almost impossible to tell exact cooking time, because the total cooking time depends on many factors, like: meat temperature, charcoal temperature, distance between meant and charcoal, outside temperature etc.
  • Do not cook for more than medium!!! Optimal doneness is rare or rare-medium.
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by: Librarian
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tags: beef; grilling; italian cuisine; porterhouse steak; steak

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