Published: 15-Sep-2012 (04:18); Viewed: 3361; Difficulty: 5 out of 10
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Smoked duck breast is a very tasty and delicious food, which you can cook at home. For smoking, the fat is not involved in any processes, and it is not very important to have a good layer of this fat under the skin. Smoked duck breast will be very beautiful as a light snack to any alcohols.
step-by-step instructions
The duck smoking process can be splitted into two major parts, marinating and smoking. Ingredients for marinating:
Duck breasts, can be lean one.
Large rock salt
Chinese five spices, or ingredients for them in equal proportions: Cinnamon, Fennel seeds, Cloves buds, Star anise, Sichuan pepper
Grind all five spices together to make a proper five spices mix. It is not necessary to grind them very fine.
Sprinkle each side of the duck breasts with five spices mix and with mixture of salt and sugar (salt to sugar ratio should be 2 to 1). Leave in the fridge for 24 hours.
Ingredients for smoking:
Salted duck breasts. Wipe out all salt and spices from the surface before smoking.
Tea. Use gunpowder or bergamot flavoured black tea.
Smoking equipment is very simple. You can use steamer as a smoker, or use old wok as a base and cheap bamboo steamer layers for food. Sugar and tea should be in the small foil containers – this will allow to change them easily.
Place duck breasts skin down and start smoke them. About 25 minutes after the fume from the tea and sugar appears.
After 30 minutes of smoking, the meat should change the colour. Turn meat pieces and smoke for another 30 minutes.
Slice and serve.
tips and tricks
Serve smoked duck breasts with hot salads, like rocket salad.
During smoking, check the condition of sugar – if it is burned – change it.
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