Published: 22-Jun-2012 (03:35); Viewed: 2555; Difficulty: 1 out of 10
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Chinese five spices, also known as usyanmyan, is a very traditional spice mix, which used in many meat and vegetable dishes. It is possible to find ready made grinded mixture in many oriental shops, but, the grinded spices are less aromatic in compare with freshly milled one. Therefore we strongly advise to prepare this mixture each time you need it.
step-by-step instructions
Prepare all ingredients for mixing. Take equal amount of each ingredients.
Fennel seeds
Cloves buds, or even better to take the buds ends.
Star anise
Sichuan pepper
Finely grind and mix all spices into uniform mixture. Store in a sealed container, in a dark, cold place.
tips and tricks
Do not use electric burr grinder for grinding spices.