How to grill porterhouse steak on charcoal

Published: 13-Sep-2012 (02:50); Viewed: 4218; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to grill porterhouse steak on charcoal
Porterhouse steak is a massive steak with average weight between 2 and 3 pounds, and at least 1¼ inch thick. To cook it properly, you should either use a very large, heavy and powerful frying pan, or to have a perfect results, use wooden charcoal grill. The perfect doneness for porterhouse steak should be between rare and medium.

step-by-step instructions

    • Porterhouse steak, at least 1¼ inch thick. On this picture it is a 1 kg porterhouse, vein cut.
    • Natural rock salt.
    • Mixture of pepper corns.
    • Olive oil
    • Rosemary branches
    • Also you should have wooden charcoal grill prepared for cooking.

  1. Prepare charcoal and preheat heavy frying pan, which will be used as a lid. Without lid this steak can easily dry and burn. Also, lid should be heavy, to keep the temperature. Charcoal should be very hot, red-hot without any ashes. Also, just before cooking, brush the cooking grate with oil. Cooking grate should be about 3-5 inches away from the surface of charcoal.

  2. Sprinkle both side of the porterhouse steak with grinded salt and pepper. Brush with olive oil. Place steak on cooking grate and cover with hot lid. Throw some rosemary branches on charcoal during cooking. Don't worry if the fire starts. The lid will keep the fire away from the steak. Cook twice on each side. The total cooking time depends on the steak thickness, charcoal temperature, distance between charcoal and steak etc... The average cooking time for rare should be about 12 minutes, for medium – 14-15 minutes.

  3. When the steak is ready, remove it from the grill, and keep covered with foil for 3-5 minutes, to redistribute the temperature.

  4. To make a traditional cut, slice two parts of the steak and place them back around the central bone. Serve with the minimal side dish.

    For better understanding how to grill portethouse steak, watch our video and follow these simple instructions.

    After this video, you porterhouse steak will be much better!!!.

tips and tricks

  • Check the temperature inside the steak with needle thermometer to be sure in the steak doneness.
  • Porterhouse vein cut should be cheaper than common cut of the porterhouse steak.
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by: Librarian
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tags: beef; grilling; porterhouse steak; steak

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