How to smoke duck at home

Published: 05-Jun-2012 (15:49); Viewed: 3641; Difficulty: 8 out of 10

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How to smoke duck at home
Home smoking is a very difficult process. Plenty of smoke will make the complete smoking almost impossible, therefore in this recipe we only will do short smoking for infusing the proper aroma into the duck and then will cook it differently. In this recipe, we will use three different cooking techniques, to achieve the required results.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for smoking of one duck.
    • Duck, medium size. About 2 kg.
    • Spices for smoking
      • Star anise, 2 stars.
      • Cinnamon, one average stick.
      • Cloves, 10 buds
      • Caraway seeds, 1/2 tbs (Use fennel instead of caraway)
      • Shichimi Togarashi 1/2 tbs (Use Sichuan pepper instead of Shichimi Togarashi)
      • Large Rock salt, 1 tbs
      • Green tea and sugar for smoking
    • Ingredients for braising sauce
      • Onion, 1 kg
      • Carrot, 800 gm
      • Ginger, 50 gm
      • Garlic, half bulb
      • Soy sauce, 100 gm
      • Boiling hot water, 0.5 litres
      • Vegetable oil, 50 gm.
    • Simple vegetable oil for making crispy skin, 100 gm.

  2. Grind smoking spices: Star anise, Cinnamon, Cloves, Caraway seeds, Shichimi Togarashi and Rock salt

  3. Rub in milled spices into the duck skin and leave for few hours to marinate. Ideally, duck should left overnight for marinating.

  4. Prepare everything for smoking. Tie the duck with the kitchen twines or strings and prepare it for hanging into the oven. Prepare few foil trays with green tea and sugar. In total you will need 2 tea trays with 2 tbsp of green tea and 3 sugar trays with 2 tbsp of sugar in each tray.

  5. Arrange everything in the oven. Duck should be hanged in the centre of the oven. Place small foil tray under the duck to collect dripping fat. Duck's fat can be melted very easily and start to leak immediately after worming up. Also put on the bottom of the oven trays with green tea and with sugar. Smoke on 200 degrees for 15 minutes. During this time change tea tray once and sugar tray twice.

  6. While duck is smoking, prepare braising sauce. Finely slice onion. Slice carrots. Press or grind garlic and ginger.

  7. Preheat 50 gm of vegetable oil in a large wok. Fry onion until turns soft. Do not brown it.

  8. Add ginger, garlic and soy sauce and fry for 2 minutes, constantly turning.

  9. Add carrot and 0,5 litres of boiling water and braise for 10 minutes, until carrots turns soft. Remove from the heat.

  10. Prepare large ceramic, or casting iron casserole pan for braising. Place one third of braising sauce into the casserole.

  11. Place smoked duck into the casserole with braising sauce.

  12. Cover duck with the rest of braising sauce. Cover everything with foil or lid and braise in the oven at 130-160 degrees for at least two hours. Lets say, after one hour of cooking, the duck will be ready to eat, but longer time will give you a better tenderness of the meat.

  13. In the large work preheat about 80-100 gm of vegetable oil. Oil should be really hot, almost smoking hot.

  14. Place the duck breast down into the wok and fry on high heat about 4-6 minutes, until the skin will be crispy. This is a bit tricky step, because the duck is very fragile now.

  15. Remove duck from the wok and place breast up on the chopping board. Leave duck for 5 minutes to redistribute heat and to chill down its skin a bit.

  16. Slice duck meat with lovely crispy skin and serve in on the large plate. Try to avoid all bones.

tips and tricks

  • Be ready to have some smoke from the burning green tea.
  • Serve the smoked duck either with baked potatoes and salads, in European style, or with rice, salad leaves and selection of hot, sweet and sour sauces in Asian style. The main picture shows the European style of serving.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by: Librarian
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tags: duck; korean cuisine; poultry; smoked food

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