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How to cook quick pilaf in 15 min

Published: 17-Nov-2023 (22:41); Viewed: 1285; Difficulty: 4 out of 10

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How to cook quick pilaf in 15 min
The traditional Uzbek pilaf requires at least 2-2.5 hours for proper cooking. It is fine when it is cooking for a big crowd, but what should you do, when you want to make a small batch, only for a 1-2 person meal? After many attempts, I've managed to make a develop proper pilaf cooking procedure, which only takes 15 min. And now I will show you how you can make proper pilaf, which will look like pilaf and taste like pilaf within 15 minutes!

I do advise you to follow this procedure exactly at the beginning, but for the second time, you can introduce some changes to make it suitable for your taste.

If you do everything correctly, it will only take you 15 min from the beginning to the end.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients. This is important to prepare proper ingredients! This technique requires to choose all components very accurately.
    • 4 lamb chops. Only chops are suitable because they can be cooked very quickly.
    • Steamed basmati rice, 250g pack (Alsi do the best one)
    • One medium carrot.
    • One medium onion
    • 50 g butter
    • 4 gloves of garlic
    • Small piece of hot chilli
    • Salt to taste, about 5g
    • Spices to taste, I do use a traditional set of half a teaspoon zira, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper and coriander.
    • A Few spoon of oil for cooking, cold rapeseed will be great
    • Tortilla or pitta bread for serving

  2. Start with running of two large pans on a high heat. Then remove bones from the lamb chops and cut them into small, one-bite-size cubes, trying to keep every piece of meat fat side down. After cutting, put all meat fat side down on the pan, without any oil.

  3. Quickly peel the onion, and cut it in halves. You need to learn knife skills. Cut onion into quarters and then slice it. Start to fry the onion in another pan with a drop of oil at the highest temperature. It is a good time to salt meat and onion. Add spices to the meat.

  4. Peel carrot and slice it into 2-3mm thick strips. Garlic should be cut into half cm thick slices. Chop chilli and add to meat.

  5. Move onion on the half of the pan and add carrot on the other side of the pan.

  6. Finally, you can start to stir meat. At this time the fat should be brown and slightly crispy. And add onion to it - onion should start to brown now.

  7. Empty some space on the pan with carrot and sliced garlic there. Stir everything to make sure no burning there. Add oil to garlic if necessary. And now add about 100ml of boiling water to the meat. It is okay to give them 2-3 min to cook almost without attention. Relax and have a pint, but only 2-3 min.

  8. Garlic and carrots can be added to the meat now and stir everything. Add butter in the middle.

  9. Add rice on top, a bit of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave cooking for another 2-3 min. And it is time to warm up the bread on the fire. We are almost there!!!!

  10. Open the lid, stir the rice with meat and serve! Enjoy! Really it is almost perfect pilaf rice with lamb.

    Watch our video to see all the details of how we cook this pilaf rice in 15 minutes.

    Enjoy! And if you like it - it is a great start to investigate the huge world of pilaf rice.

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by: Librarian
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tags: lamb; pilaf; quick recipes; rice; uzbekistan cousine

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