How to deep fry chicken paws, Filipino style

Published: 23-Feb-2018 (14:34); Viewed: 3715; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to deep fry chicken paws, Filipino style
Filipino street food is very diverse. You can find a lot of different styles of food. One of the popular way of cooking chicken on the street is a deep frying. In this recipe, I will show, how to deep fry chicken paws, Filipino style.

Almost everywhere in Philippines you can find these deep fried chicken paws, which cost form 3 to 5 Philippine piso (Philippine peso). Every street food chef do them slightly differently, but they follow the same main idea. Let’s try to do it, as a professional Filipino street food chef.

It is not completely true, that this deep fry chicken paws are from Filipino cuisine. In fact, these chicken paws are cooked similar in all Southeastern Asia countries.

step-by-step instructions

  1. To make these deep fried chicken paws, you need to have chicken paws, with removed layer of external skin. Oil for deep frying. Mixture for coating. You can buy any spicy coating mixture, or mix flour with pepper, salt and any other spices of your choice.

  2. Place chicken paws into a pasting bag. Add few spoons of coating mixture, carefully close the bag and shake it 5-10 seconds.

    At this stage you can use slightly different technique. Instead of coating your chicken paws with spicy flour powder, you can dilute this powder with water, to make very liquid dough and coat chicken bits with this viscous liquid. Plenty of Southeastern Asia street food chefs use this way of cooking.

  3. Warm up oil up to 180 ° C. Place you coated chicken paws into hot oil. Cook 5-10 min. If you want to have more tenter chicken, you can reduce temperature to 150° C and cook longer. But do not burn the coating. Do remember – that if you want to have more tender cartilage and collagen, then you should use lover temperature and longer time.

    To make sure in your chicken doneness, you can poke one pose with bamboo skewer.

  4. Remove chicken bits from the oil and leave them on paper towel for few minutes, to drain excessive oil. Street food chefs usually keep cooked paws in the hot display cabinet, where they not only waiting for customers, but continue slow-cooking.

tips and tricks

  • Be very careful with hot oil.
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by: Librarian
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tags: chicken; deep fry; filipino cuisine; poultry; street food

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