How to grill octopus

Published: 15-Aug-2013 (04:45); Viewed: 3147; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to grill octopus
Grilled octopus is a very tasty example of Mediterranean cuisine. Almost everywhere around Mediterranean sea you can fin grills with this octopus. It is very easy to repeat at home and nothing should stop you to try it. Usually, this grilled octopus can be used as one component of the large sea-food barbecue, but also it can be used as a separate, individual starter or appetiser. The crispy tentacle ends with strong garlic aroma and very dark colour of an octopus skin will make this dish unforgeable.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for large 3-4 persons shared starter:
    • Octopuses, 1½ kg.
    • Aromatic olive oil with garlic and thyme. About ⅓ cup of oil will be enough.
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Red wine, 350 ml. Use simple red wine, without extra special taste.

  2. Clean octopuses. If not sure ho to clean them, read the link below.

  3. Bring 2 litres of water to boil. Salt it to taste and add few peppercorns. Add red wine.

  4. Slowly deep octopuses into a boiling water, make sure, that tentacles are folded correctly, as on the picture. Simmer fro about one hour to make it very soft.

  5. Remove octopuses from the boiling water, chill them down and slices it. Cut heat into halves or quarters and separate tentacles from each other.

  6. Mix octopuses with 2-3 tbsp of olive oil and preferable you can add some thyme stalks.

  7. Preheat charcoal grill to medium. Prepare cooking tray with 2-3 tbsp of garlic oil, preferably with some garlic bits. Place tray on the grill to warm up the oil and partially cook garlic. When the garlic almost cooked – set tray aside. At the same time cook octopuses. Brush the griddle with olive oil and place octopus bits on the grill.

  8. Turn octopus bits occasionally and brush them with aromatic olive oil. Basically it is important to brown them, but do not overcook, otherwise they will be very dry and tough.

  9. Place octopus bites into a tray with garlic oil and cook them a bit more, turning occasionally.

  10. Serve on the plate.

tips and tricks

  • Do remember, that during cooking octopuses will loose half of their weight.
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by: Librarian
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tags: barbecue; cooking with wine; grilling; mediterranean cuisine; restaurant recipes

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