How to grill pineapple

Published: 03-Jun-2013 (16:51); Viewed: 2936; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to grill pineapple
Usually, when you think about barbecue or grill, you think about meat, or vegetables and never think about sweet dessert. In this article, I will show, how to grill pineapple, which can be perfect sweet, fruity desert after heavy meal. Furthermore, pineapple contains plenty of proteolytic enzymes, like bromelain, which can improve digestion, which is very important after very heavy grilled meal. Generally, I do recommend to finish any grilled meal with a grilled pineapple skew. It is difficult to say, how many pineapple cubes enough for one portion, therefore you should only rely on your personal preferences.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for grilling pineapple.
    • Ripe pineapple. Is is better to use very ripe pineapple, rather that very greenish, small and sour pineapple.
    • Spices:
      • Star anise, 2 stars
      • Cloves, 6-8 sticks.
      • Cinnamon, one average stick.
      • Brown sugar, 1 tbsp.

    • Mill all spices separately. Sift milled spices, especially star anise and cinnamon, from the large bits.

    • Mix all milled spices and sugar together.

    • Peel pineapple and cut it into a large bite size pieces.

    • Put pineapple cubes on skewers, make sure, that cubes do not touch each other. Sprinkle each side of cubes with spice and sugar mixture.

    • Cook pineapples over medium-hot charcoal at 10-15 cm height. Turn them often to avoid burning of sugar. Cook until the sugar on the surface start to caramelize and change colour to dark-brown. It will take about 10-15 minutes.

      If you have a question, how to grilled pineapples, watch our video Grilled pineapple, BBQ pineapple and try to repeat it at home on the next BBQ party!!!

    tips and tricks

    • Do remember, that bromelian from the pineapple juice can interfere with some antibiotics, sedatives and blood-thinning drugs, which can be dangerous for some peoples. Do reduce you pineapple dish if you are on medications.
    • It is possible to cook this pineapple on the charcoal barbecue or on the standard kitchen grill.
    • It is very difficult to crush cinnamon, and it is possible to substitute it with cinnamon powder, approximately 1 tsp instead of average stick.
    • Do not store spices pineapples for a ling time, because the sugar starts to extract the juice from the fruit body.
    • These pineapples are perfect when they hot, and also they are perfect when they cold!
    • The main difficulty of cooking these spices pineapple cubes, is that it take a long time to cook them, but at the last stage of cooking, they start to brown and cover by even black sugar very quickly, and it is necessary to pay attention all the time.
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    by: Librarian
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    tags: barbecue; grilling; pineapple; restaurant recipes; spice

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