How to cook roasted turkey leg

Published: 23-Nov-2011 (03:21); Viewed: 4354; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to cook roasted turkey leg
Turkey leg drumsticks are very cheap, tasty and tender meat. Average turkey drumstick can weight around 2 pounds and without special knowledges it is very difficult to roast it well. But if you will follow our recipe carefully, you will discover the wonderful world of slow-roasted poultry. To cook four person dish, two turkey legs will be perfect, furthermore, two turkey legs are very convenient for big roasting-pan. Turkey leg meat is very tasty, and you can cook it without any spices.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Two turkey legs, boiling hot water, roasting-pan and a bit of salt are the only ingredients for this simple dish.

  2. Wash turkey drumstick. Salt them very well from each side.

  3. Put legs on roasting pan, with or without drop of vegetable oil.

  4. Cover legs with heavy lead; roast on the one side on lowest heat for 30 minutes.

  5. Roast other side on slowest heat another 30 minutes.

  6. When two sides will be well browned, boil about 3/4 pint of water.

  7. Add boiling-hot water to the roasting pan and increase heat to almost maximum. Cover with lead.

  8. When water will be evaporated, add another 3/4 pint of boiling-hot water. Turn turkey drumsticks occasionally. In total keep turkey legs in boiling water for about 45 minutes.

  9. Slice cooked meat, remove it from the bones and serve.

    Watch our video Turkey drumstick with gravy to see all details about this cooking

    Another way of making lovely souce for turker - cream-mushroom sauce. You can looks at this technique in more details in this video:

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by: Librarian
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tags: easy recipes; poultry; turkey

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