Published: 25-Dec-2011 (01:44); Viewed: 3201; Difficulty: 2 out of 10
Rating: N/A
The classic way to cook turkey is by oven baking, but I've tried to simply roast it in a deep frying pan. It is preferable to use a thick, heavy casting iron frying pan with a well fitted lid. Thus, the maximum size of the turkey is limited by the size of the frying pan. This recipe is very simple and the results are incredibly good. This recipe works best with a 2 - 4kg turkey.
step-by-step instructions
I will cook a 3.8 kg turkey. Originally, this turkey was fully frozen, and before cooking, I have defrosted it for 24 hours in the fridge.
Remove the turkey tail along with all excess bits of fat. Remove the large flap of skin from the neck. Place all giblets into the turkey's stomach. Salt well on both the inside and outside.
Cover all frying pan walls with cooking oil. One table spoon will be enough. Place the turkey on its back side into the frying pan.
Cover the pan and place on the lowest possible heat for 30 minutes.
Carefully turn the turkey around so that it rests on its breast and cook under the lid on lowest heat for another 30 minutes.
After this time, the turkey will develop plenty of juice.
Increase the heat to medium and cook under the lid for another 30 minutes.
Check the level of the juice. If the lid is not fitted well, which is the common case for casting iron, all juice will evaporate quicker than necessary and you should add about 50-100 ml of boiling water. Cook for another 30 minutes on medium heat.
Carefully remove the turkey from the frying pan and slice for serving.