How to make thin Top Blade steak

Published: 28-May-2012 (20:34); Viewed: 7843; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to make thin Top Blade steak
Top Blade steak, also known as Oyster Blade steak is a very juice, tender beef cut from the chuck area. Highly marble beef with thin ribbon of gristle, which runs lengthwise trough the meat. This steak is full of natural flavours and it is not necessary to use strong marinades. Very simple spices will do the perfect job. The optimal doneness is medium-well. The ideal Top Blade steak should be about an inch thick.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients.
    • Top blade steak. His recipe is for thin steak, so, the steak should be about 1 cm thick.
    • Olive oil
    • Thyme sprig.
    • Coarsely milled pepper and salt

  2. Make small cuts through the central gristle, to avoid steak curling during cooking. Sprinkle each side of the steak with salt and pepper and a drop of olive oil.

  3. Many chiefs prefer to cook steak without any herbs, but personally, I do recommend to burn few sprigs of thyme or rosemary under the meat. This will make very gently aroma of herbs, which improved the taste of meat. Nevertheless, when cooking for the order, it is much better to know the preferences of everybody.

    For the thin steaks it is not really necessary to use heavy cast iron skillet, the standard non-stick frying pan will do the job. Preheat non-stick pan and fry on high heat top blade steaks on one side for two minutes. Put some thyme sprigs under meat when roasting.

  4. Fry top blade steaks on other side for two minutes. Fry again on each side for one minute of medium heat.

  5. Serve this perfect medium well top blade steak.

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by: Librarian
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tags: beef; steak; top blade steak

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