Published: 09-May-2012 (06:00); Viewed: 5281; Difficulty: 2 out of 10
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Lambs liver is a very tasty and tender offal, but it is extremely difficult to cook it. The biggest mistake is overcooking. After short time liver loose all they juice and turn into inedible substance. The recipe with braising, described here allows to avoid these problems and make lambs liver as it should be. One whole lambs liver will give 3 decent size portions.
step-by-step instructions
Ingredients. All ingredients should be very fresh and cleaned very well.
Whole lambs liver. The average size of a whole lambs liver is about 0.6 kg.
Cooking oil - 100ml, or you can cook on the lamb fat as well.
Coriander – one small bunch
Three different type vegetables. Each these types are very important for perfect results.
Onion. Basically, onion is crucial for almost all braised meat dishes.
Tomatoes. In this dish, tomatoes will provide all necessary moisture and allow to manipulate the temperature during cooking. You can use tomato paste instead of tomatoes.
Any vegetable which looks perfect in partially cooked state. This can be leek, or sweet paprika.
Salt and black pepper
Rock salt. Using of two different salts is necessary.
Remove the liver skin (or film from the surface of liver) and any blood vessels you can find. This is a very important procedure, because the liver skin during cooking will shrink in its size and significantly increase the liver drying.
Cut lambs liver into a similar cubes of 2-3cm size. Also remove all hard bits.
Cover liver with rock salt and leave for 5 minutes.
It is good time to slice all vegetables. Slice onion very finely. Slice tomatoes very finely as well. Chop coriander. Leek (or sweet paprika) cut into a bigger pieces, as you like to eat it.
Wash liver in cold water. Dry out a bit. In a deep casting iron casserole preheat 100 ml of cooking oil or lamb fat to a very high temperature. Cook liver (keep it on the move) on a very high heat for about1 one and a half minute.
After this time, the live give some juice into the oil, and oil temperature will be about 100 degrees.
Put vegetables into the casserole by layers. Layer of onion, layer of tomatoes and layer of leek or sweet paprika. Close casserole with lid.
Turn the heat down to the lowest possible. Now in the casserole the heat from the liver will cook our vegetables, but the cold vegetable juice will chill out our liver. This is very important process. Keep on this lowest heat for 12-15 minutes.
Add salt and black pepper to the taste. Fry, stirring constantly for 2 minutes at the high heat. Serve.