How to cook mackerel in microwave

Published: 08-May-2012 (21:11); Viewed: 24250; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

Rating: 6.48/10 based on 25 votes.


How to cook mackerel in microwave
Microwave is usually used for warming up previously cooked dishes, but for cooking, microwave is not suitable. Only few dishes can be cooked in microwave. One one them is the microwave backed mackerel. Another great advantage of this dish – time of cooking. It will take less than 10 minutes to clean fish and cook it!

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients are very simple.
    • Mackerel. Take as many fishes as you like for one meal.
    • Fresh rosemary.
    • Butter.
    • Salt.

  2. Clean the mackerel. It's very easy. Chop of head and tail, remove stomach. Pay extra attention to removing the black film from the inside of stomach.

  3. Salt fishes from each side, put rosemary inside, and few butter slices on the top.

  4. Cover plate with cling film. Seal everything very tightly.

  5. Microwave on full power until the butter completely melted, and then 30-40 seconds more. In total it will take about 5 minutes.

  6. Quickly remove cling film, while this film not sticks to the dish.

tips and tricks

  • Mackerel should be very fresh, because the oil from under-skin loose its freshness and taste very quickly.
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by: Librarian
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tags: easy recipes; fish; mackerel; microwave; quick recipes

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