How to roast lamb kidney Uyghur-style

Published: 29-Dec-2011 (18:04); Viewed: 5329; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to roast lamb kidney Uyghur-style
Uyghur cuisine links both Asian and Chinese style food and some Uyghur recipes are real gems that are suitable for all tastes. This is one of the fastest recipes of roast lambs kidney available, which works both as a starter to any other dishes or as an independent light main dish. Total cooking time is very short, so it is crucial to prepare all ingredients before cooking. Also, it is best to not cook too much at a time, as many standard house stoves cannot provide a high enough heat source. This dish should be cooked in the wok and works well both at home and in a restaurant.

step-by-step instructions

  1. First step - ingredients. It is very important to use the freshest possible ingredients. For two portions, you will need/
    • ½ kg Lambs kidneys. These should be very fresh. Many supermarket lambs kidneys are not fresh enough, so it is better to buy from a halal butcher.
    • 2 Large onions. Purple onions look better in the final dish.
    • ½ garlic bulb.
    • 1 tbsp salt
    • 1 tbsp paprika powder
    • 1½ tbsp cumin seeds
    • ½ tsp hot chilli powder. If you prefer a milder dish, reduce the amount of chilli powder to ¼ tbsp.
    • 50 ml. Soy sauce. We recommend our favourite, Kikkoman soy sauce.
    • 75 ml cooking oil.

  2. Prepare the lambs kidneys for cooking. Cut them into halves.

  3. Remove the fat from the centre of kidney together with renal pelvis area and ureter.

  4. Remove the kidney skin and any additional surface fat by carefully peeling away the skin.

  5. Score the kidneys about ¾ of the way through in perpendicular directions

  6. The final kidney pieces should look like fancy hedgehogs.

  7. Peel and slice the garlic. Chop the onions into average sized pieces.

  8. In the separate bowl, mix all the spices.

  9. In the wok, on the high possible temperature, preheat the oil until it start to smoke. Place the kidneys in and constantly stir them like in classical high temperature wok cooking.

  10. Salt them. Continue constantly stirring the kidneys.

  11. Add all spices into the wok and stir.

  12. Add chopped onion and garlic and continue to stir.

  13. Add soy sauce and continue to stir at very high heat. Cook for about 4-5 minutes.

  14. The kidneys are ready to be served. Serve alongside salad leaves if desired.

tips and tricks

  • Prepare all ingredients beforehand as you will have no time during cooking.
  • During cooking, the oil should be smoking hot and if you correctly manoeuvre the wok, the oil may catch on fire and cook the kidneys better.
  • Precaution: be aware of the flammable oil when cooking.
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by: Librarian
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tags: lamb; offal; quick recipes; uyghur cuisine; wok

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