How to cook boiled beef tongue

Published: 23-Nov-2011 (02:44); Viewed: 4580; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to cook boiled beef tongue
Beef tongue is very delicious beef cut. Most delicious dish is cold boiled tongue. Of course you can try it immediately after cooking, when it still hot, but never reheat cold one. Most difficult part of this cooking, is to find fresh non-salted tongue. Most of UK butchers have on sale pre-salted beef tongue, but it is possible to order fresh one. Surprisingly, this beef-cut in UK is reasonable cheap in compare with other beef-cuts. Cold-cut boiled beef tongue is very beautiful on sandwiches with horse radish or mustard.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Wash carefully fresh beef tongue, remove big fat pieces if any.

  2. Place tongue into deep pan and add water to cover. Do not salt the water.

  3. Boil for 1.5 hours. Add salt (3/4 tsp. salt) and if you like some spices (1/4 tsp. oregano; 1/4 tsp. marjoram; 1/4 tsp. summer savory; or any other combination of them). Boil for another half an hour. Add boiling water if necessary.

  4. Remove tongue from pan and cool until you can handle it. Peel of skin. Skin should go off very easily.

  5. Now you can slice tongue meat. If you would like to have it hot, you can do it immediately. If you would like to make cold-cut, you should wait until meat will chilled down to room temperature and then cut.

tips and tricks

  • Horseradish or mustard is ideal source for cold-cut tongue.
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by: Librarian
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tags: beef; cold meat; offal; tongue

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