How to cook edible snails with blue cheese

Published: 11-Jul-2013 (02:53); Viewed: 6941; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to cook edible snails with blue cheese
Edible snails are known as a food from prehistoric times, but they currently associated with French cuisine. Despite their long-lasting popularity, snails are mainly cooked in one way with variation only in ingredients and spices. In this recipe I will describe how to cook edible snails with blue cheese.

For the serving of edible snails, it is very popular to use their shells. However, when you use precooked snails where the shells are not available, it is possible to use small cocottes for cooking and serving. Alternatively, if you’re preparing in bulk, you can use large cooking trays and serve onto normal plates - the taste will be the same. In this recipe of cooking edible snails with blue cheese, we will use already boiled edible snails from the tin - they are much cheaper, but the result will be the same.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients.
    • Boiled canned edible snails. About 30 snails.
    • Onion, about half of medium onion.
    • Garlic, 3-5 cloves of garlic. Part of garlic used at the end of the cooking, and it can keep it sharpness, so it is very important to adjust the amount of garlic to your personal preferences.
    • Parsley, small bunch.
    • Blue cheese, 50-100 gm.
    • Butter, 50 gm. It is possible to use salted or unsalted butter, but the salt should be used accordingly to the type of butter used for cooking.
    • Sweet white wine, like German wines. 200 ml.
    • Salt and black pepper to taste.

  2. Wash snails in the cold running water from the stock or jelly they stored in.

  3. On frying pan in the drop of butter slightly soften chopped onion and half of garlic. Cook onion not longer than 2-3 min and add snails. Cook snail for 3-5 minutes.

  4. Add wine to fried snails and cook until wine almost evaporates. Then switch of the heat and set aside the pan with snails. Preheat an oven to 200-250 ° C.

  5. Combine butter, blue cheese, pressed garlic, finely chopped parsley, salt and milled black pepper and a bowl.

  6. Mix butter, cheese, herbs and spices until uniform paste, check the salt (it should be moderately salted). In such quantities, it is very easy to mix everything with one fork.

  7. Fill the cooking tray with fried snails and cover them with the butter and cheese paste.

  8. Cook in the oven for about 5-7 minutes, until the butter is melted completely and everything boils. Serve and enjoy.

tips and tricks

  • Use any blue cheese you like for cooking of edible snails.
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by: Librarian
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tags: blue cheese; french cuisine; restaurant recipes

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