How to cook chicken chahohbili

Published: 31-Oct-2011 (01:22); Viewed: 6551; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to cook chicken chahohbili
Chahohbili is a traditional Georgian poultry dish. Originally, chahohbili was cooked from wild game birds, but nowadays chicken is the main source for this dish. You can eat chahohbili with simple garnish, like rice or mash, but also chahohbili is perfect alone, probably with slice of white bread.

step-by-step instructions

  1. At the first step of any cooking, you should prepare all ingredients.
    • Medium chicken. This will be enough for 4 portions.
    • 3-4 average sized onions.
    • 6 medium tomatoes. It is preferable to use juicy rather than meaty tomatoes. You also can substitute them by tomato paste.
    • 2 medium bunches of fresh coriander. This is one of the most important ingredients and it is not recommended to substitute it by dried coriander.
    • 1 medium bunch of green basil.
    • Spices
      • 1tsp of coriander seeds. You also can use grounded coriander, but the final taste will not be so great.
      • 1/3tsp of grounded hot chilli or one fresh chilli.
      • 1tsp of saffron. This is not crucially important spice.
      • 1.5tsp of salt.
    • 50-100 grams of red wine or water if necessary.
    • 1-2tbs of vegetable/olive oil.

  2. Cut chicken into small pieces. Cut through the joints to avoid small bone pieces in the dish.

  3. Roast each side of chicken pieces for 1.5-2 min on very hot pan without any extra oil.

  4. Finely slice onion.

  5. Skin off tomatoes. How to do this we will describe in other topic.

  6. Preheat frying pan and add vegetable or olive oil. Spread out onion over the pan and stir it occasionally on medium or high heat, until it turn brown.

  7. Chop skinned tomatoes. If tomatoes will look dry, add some wine or water.

  8. Put chicken together with chopped tomatoes and onion into big, deep pan and simmer on medium heat for 45 min. You can close lid to stop excessive evaporation.

  9. Chop green coriander and basil. Crush garlic.

  10. Add all spices and chopped greens into pan and simmer for extra five minutes. Chicken chahohbili is ready now.

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by: Librarian
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tags: chicken; georgian cuisine; poultry; ragout; restaurant recipes

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