How to make Sesame Pak Choi

Published: 05-Apr-2013 (01:00); Viewed: 2762; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to make Sesame Pak Choi
Pak Choi is a traditional Chinese cabbage, which can be used as an independent side dish, or as a component of a complicated dishes. In this article I will show, how to make Sesame Pak Choi, which can be used as a side dish. This is a very simple dish, from Southern Chinese cuisine, which can be prepared by very inexperienced chef. For proper cooking, it is necessary to have real Chinese wok with spherical bottom. One portion can be made from few pak choi plants, so, we decide to use two cabbages for one portion.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for one portion:
    • Pak choi, two cabbages. This is a main ingredient, everything else are spices and oils for cooking.
    • Garlic, 2-3 cloves.
    • Crushed chilli, 1 tbsp. Adjust amount of this chilli to your own personal taste.
    • Simple tasteless cooking oil, like sunflower, or groundnut, 4-5 tbsp.
    • Sesame oil, 1-2tbsp. This is very important for the flavouring.
    • Fish sauce, 1 tbsp
    • Salt, to taste, usually ½ tsp.

  2. Separate pak choi into a single leafs, wash them and dry before cooking. Also crush garlic.

  3. On the medium hot fire, add two oils, fish sauce, cabbage, chilli, salt and garlic to the wok. Stir them to cover all leafs with oils and spices.

  4. Cook them about 4 minutes, stirring and tossing occasionally, until the leafs have wilted, but stalks still stays slightly crispy.

  5. Serve as a simple side dish, or as an extra for other side dishes, for example rice.

tips and tricks

  • This is very green dish, but because fish sauce was used, this dish is not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • This Sesame Pak Choi is an example of traditional Chinese flavours.
  • To make Sesame Pak Choi looks more great, you can add sliced medium-hot chilli pepper.
  • Fish sauce is very salty, and you should be very careful to add salt to this cabbage during cooking.
  • Proper wok with round bottom is absolutely crucial for this cooking.
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by: Librarian
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tags: chinese cuisine; fish sauce; quick recipes; side dish; wok

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