How to roast poussin in garlic butter

Published: 29-Mar-2013 (02:17); Viewed: 3250; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to roast poussin in garlic butter
Small chickens and poussin can perfectly be roasted in the oven, but to make the skin more tastier, it is necessary to cover it with any oil or butter. In this recipe I will show, how to roast poussin in garlic butter. The weight of one poussin is equal approximately 400-450 gm, and it is perfect for one portion meal.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for three portion meal:
    • Poussin, 3 birds.
    • Garlic, 2 bulbs.
    • Dill, 1 small bunch
    • Thyme, 1 small bunch
    • Salt, 1tsp.
    • Clarified butter, 75 gm

  2. Chop the herbs and press the garlic. Worm up the butter and mix it well with herbs, garlic and salt, until it is fully incorporated. Let's call it green butter for now.

  3. Carefully pull up with one finger (or two fingers) and separate the skin from the poussin breast. Fingers should be inserted from the neck side. Fill this cavity with a table spoon of the green butter. Add some butter into the main cavity.

  4. Brush all the skin of poussin with the green butter. Try to do as thick layer as possible

  5. Hang, or place on the mesh these poussin and place them on the top of the oven. Place a tray with potatoes, or any other vegetables for roasting, or if you do not want to prepare any side dish at this time – just place tray with water under the chicken Cook at 200-220 ° C about 40 minutes, or until done. The main idea is to make skin crispy and internal meat just cooked, very tender. Serve with roasted vegetables and some pickled vegetables.

tips and tricks

  • During roasting, poussin produce plenty of fat, juice and butter, dripping from it. It is very important to collect this liquid to avoid its burning in the oven. The best way to use this dripping juice is to collect it into the tray with roasted potato or other vegetables, cooked the same time in the oven.
  • It is possible to use butter instead of clarified butter. Also you can use salted butter and reduce amount of salt added.
  • Fan assistant oven will give much better results!!! (Fan assistant oven requires 170-190 ° C)
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by: Librarian
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tags: butter; poultry; poussin; roasting

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