How to make biltong

Published: 19-Dec-2012 (14:53); Viewed: 8559; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to make biltong
Biltong is a South African meat jerky, made from any meat, except pork. In this article, I will tell you how to make biltong and will give very simple biltong recipe, which can be used at home. For this recipe, you can use any lean, tender beef, like top, silver cut, round cut, etc., but I do prefer to use rump. Softer meat you've use – softer final jerky will be, but do not use fillet steak (tenderloin), because it is too soft. Also biltong spices can be different in different recipes, but here we describe basic recipes, and it is possible to add some spices to meat later, during drying process.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients. Please note, that during cooking, the overall weight of the meat can be reduced in to two times at least.
    • Meat, 1kg. All further spices in this biltong recipe are given for 1 kg of meat. This is a top cut, but I do prefer to use rump steak.
    • Biltong spices. The amount of spices is given with some range, which mean that it is possible to vary, how much you've adding them. You only should follow your own taste. All spices should be well grounded.
      • Black pepper, 1-2 tsp.
      • Ground Coriander 1-1½ tbsp
      • Brown sugar, 1tsp
    • Salt, 1½ tbsp
    • Apple or cherry vinegar, few table spoons.

  2. Slice meat into a 1 cm thick stripes. This meat pieces will marinate faster and they will dry faster as well.

  3. Beat meat stripes with meat mallet.

  4. Sprinkle each side of the meat with vinegar and biltong spice mixture with salt. Store spiced meat in a bowl under some pressure for 12-24 hours in the fridge.

  5. Prepare half pint of a diluted vinegar, about 1 portion of vinegar and 6 portions of water. Wash meat in this vinegar solution.

  6. Hang meat on the sticks or hooks in some windy worm area. Some people use drying boxes for biltong, with light bulb at the bottom. You can hang this meat near central heating radiator, this also will do the job.

  7. When the meat is dry out, slice it into a small pieces and enjoy.

tips and tricks

  • When you prepare meat to dry, you can sprinkle it with different sets of spices to make some variations. For example you can sprinkle with garlic powder, or with gara masala, or with curry powder, or with shichimi togarashi or other hot mixtures. You can create any interesting combinations to your own taste. All these biltong spices will make different taste.
  • In this biltong recipe I do recommend to use lean beef, but some peoples like to have some fatty bits, so you can use meat with fat as well.
  • This instruction of how to make biltong, are simple and the overall cooking and drying time is not very long, therefore everybody at home can do it.
  • To store biltong for some time, wrap it is cling-film and keep it in the fridge, but please not, in this biltong recipe, we do not use any preservatives, so the overall storage time is not very long, unless, you've dry the meat very well.
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tags: african cousine; beef; dried food

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