How to make chicken tapaka

Published: 02-Oct-2012 (19:27); Viewed: 4020; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

Rating: 7/10 based on 3 votes.


How to make chicken tapaka
Chicken tapaka is a traditional Georgian dish, named according the name of special frying pan, used for cooking of this dish, or, originally, this name was produced from meaning "flat". This dish is cooked from young chicken, poussin, or, sometimes from other small birds. One poussin will be perfect for two portions.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients:
    • Poussin. One poussin is perfect for two portions.
    • Garlic, 4-5 cloves.
    • Salt to taste
    • Peppercorn for seasoning
    • Clarified butter, 1tbsp

  2. Cut poussin breast trough the keel bone, or very near to it. You can remove the keel bone as well. Open the poussin body, the connection of ribs to the spine bone will be broken. Make it as flat as possible by hand-pressing over the body from the skin side.

  3. Season chicken with salt and grinded pepper, sprinkle with pressed garlic. It is possible to marinate it for 15-30 minutes, or even longer if you've got some other spices.

  4. Melt the clarified butter on the heavy casting iron pan. Place poussin skin up and fry it on medium heat under the press until it will be ready from one side. It should not take longer than 15 minutes. Garlic can be over-caramelized a bit.

  5. Turn chicken upside-down and fry under the pressure until ready. As well it will take about 10-15 minutes on medium heat.

  6. Traditional poussin frying pan is accompanied with 3-5 kg casting iron lid for making pressure, but if it is not available, you can use any other weights for pressing. For example, the average-size saucepot, filled with hot water will do the job. It should be on the chicken all way through cooking.

  7. Remove chicken from the frying pan and serve. Use for example chips and vegetables as a side dish.

tips and tricks

  • Many recipes advise to beat chicken with mallet, to make it a bit more flatter, but I think this is wrong, meat mallet can be used only for meat, but not for the flattening the whole chicken.
  • Use melted chicken fat, or olive oil instead of clarified butter, but taste will not be as perfect as it should be.
  • It is possible to brush chicken with soured cream before frying.
  • It is possible to use very complicated spice mixture, based on Khmeli suneli, for marinating, but I think this will change the original taste of this dish.
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by: Librarian
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tags: georgian cuisine; poultry; poussin; restaurant recipes

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