How to make duck magret with orange sauce

Published: 17-Sep-2012 (12:50); Viewed: 3099; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to make duck magret with orange sauce
This is a simple way to cook duck magret breast with orange sauce. Usually, 200 gm of duck breasts enough for one person. Duck breast, like a very expensive steak, should be cooked red (which means rare) inside, otherwise the beauty of them will be lost. The orange sauce itself is suitable not only for duck, but for many other dishes as well, so you can use it with other meats. In general, this dish is not very rich in ingredients, and you will enjoy the combination of pure tastes of duck breast and oranges.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for 1 person dish:
    • Duck magret breasts, use two medium pieces of duck breasts.
    • Oranges, two fruits.
    • Sugar – 2 tbsp
    • Unsalted or clarified butter, 1 tbsp
    • Armagnac or Cognac, 2 tbsp
    • Milled salt and peppercorns to taste.

  2. At the beginning, it is better to prepare the orange sauce, and then do the meat.

    First of all, prepare all oranges: prepare zest from one orange. Slice by cubes half orange, and press the juice from 1 and half oranges. These ingredients will be combined together in a few next steps.

  3. Melt the butter on low-medium heat in any suitable pan and add the sugar.

  4. Add orange juice and stir until the sugar dissolves.

  5. Add zest and cook until it turns into a syrup.

  6. Add orange cubes and cook for another minute.

  7. Add cognac, stir well and remove from heat. You also can transfer this sauce into a jar for serving, for example into a gravy-pot.

  8. Score the skin and the fat layer on the duck breasts, but do not piece the meat. Season each side with grinded salt and pepper.

  9. Preheat heavy casting iron skillet and place duck breasts skin down without any oil. reduce heat to below the average and roast skin down few minutes. This is a very difficult question, how long you should roast. I think that 5 minutes on medium heat will be enough, but you should check that nothing is burnt by yourself. The skin should turns crispy and fat should be melted completely, but inside the meat should be raw.

  10. Turns the duck breasts upside down and and cook for about 4-5 minutes. Slice and serve with orange sauce.

  11. Another way to serve this lovely duck breast is to fill the small cup with boiled rice, place few sliced meat pieces on the top and cover with orange sauce. This will geve some oriental touch to this dish.

tips and tricks

  • This dish is very gentle tasted, and any side dishes you've use, should be very very plain, like simple boiled rice.
  • You can cook these duck breasts to well done, but you will loose all the natural taste of the meat.
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by: Librarian
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tags: cooking with cognac; duck; poultry; restaurant recipes

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