How to make superior light broth, Chinese style

Published: 07-Jun-2012 (04:59); Viewed: 3694; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to make superior light broth, Chinese style
Superior light broth is a cheap version of a dark tan broth made form very expensive ham, like Jamon iberico. This broth is used as a basic ingredients for further cooking of many different high quality soups. This stock can be frozen for a while and used when necessary.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for preparation of about 4 litres of superior light broth:
    • Chicken for boiling, 1,2 kg.
    • Lean pork with a bone, preferable belly pork, 1 kg (or 0.8 kg boneless pork)
    • Scallion, 5-6.
    • Ginger, 50-80 grams.
    • Celery, 1 stick
    • White roots, like roots of parsley, or coriander, or parsnip.
    • Sake, 5 tbsp.
    • Black pepper corns, 1/4-1/2 tsp.
    • Salt, to taste
    • Water, 4 litres

  2. Chop chicken into portion-like pieces. Cut pork into few large pieces and remove extra fat bits. Put meat and poultry into a large soup pan and add 4 litres of clean cold water. Bring to boiling and remove all floating foam and scum.

  3. When the surface in cleaned, add all vegetables and roots, add pepper and simmer for about 2-3 hours. Salt to the taste and simmer for 1 hour.

  4. Remove all meat from the broth and use remove meat for some other dishes. Discard all vegetables. Filter the stock through fine mesh with cheesecloth.

  5. Now you have pure superior light broth and some boiled meat and chicken. Use broth for further cooking, or chill it down and keep in the fridge for up to 3-4 days, otherwise freeze it.

tips and tricks

  • The hard chicken or guinea fowl will be much better for this broth
  • Freeze unused stock for long storage, or keep it in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  • Parsnip can make the final broth a bit milky, so if you prefers clear broth, do not use it.
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by: Librarian
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tags: broth; chicken; chinese cuisine; pork

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