How to cook smoked river cobbler

Published: 18-Aug-2013 (03:29); Viewed: 6022; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

Rating: 6.25/10 based on 4 votes.


How to cook smoked river cobbler
Smoked river cobbler, this is a cheapest smoked boneless white fish available on the British market. Of course, the general quality of the river cobbler is under big question, but the cooking quality of this fish are quite high, and this fish is very tasty. In this recipe I will tell, how to cook smoked river cobbler by simple frying.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients:
    • Smoked river cobbler, as much as you'd like to have for your meal.
    • Sea salt flakes, to taste.
    • Oil for cooking, I do recommend to use mixture of clarified butter and simple vegetable oil.

  2. salt one side of the dish and place salted side down into preheated pan with cooking oil. Fry on medium heat one side of the fish. Sprinkle it with sea salt flakes at the beginning of cooking.

  3. Fry other side of the smoked river cobbler, until the the fish cooked through.

    Serve with fried chips and some salted vegetables or capers.

tips and tricks

  • The best coking oil is a mixture of vegetable oil with clarifier butter. Never use standard butter for frying.
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by: Librarian
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tags: fish; smoked food

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