- Sardines - 1kg. All other ingredients will be calculated on this amount of fish.
- Water 1litre
- Salt 50-75g. 50g of salt will give a very gentle taste full of flavours, but the shelf life will only be 2 days. More salt will increase the shelf life but make these fishes more and more salty. I think 75g will be a good reasonably high level of salt. Commercially, in this recipe, some companies can use up to 150g of salt, which I think is too much.
- Sugar - form 0 to 1/2 of a salt content. It is a personal preference. I do like to use almost half of the salt amount., but for the beginning, I do advise trying 1/3 of the salt content.
- Pickling spices:
- Cassia or cinnamon stick - 2-3
- Bay leaves - 10
- Cloves - 1/2 tsp
- Allspices - 1/2 tsp
- Black pepper - 1 tbsp
- Corriander seeds - 2 tbsp
As you can see, this is not a traditional pickling spice mix, but pretty similar. You can also add some mustard seeds but do not use ginger or chilli.