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How to make roast tomato soup

Published: 01-Oct-2017 (02:15); Viewed: 2224; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to make roast tomato soup
You will never fail if you offer tomato soup to your friends, family or customers. Almost everybody like this kind of soups. But within all tomato soups, the roast tomato is one of the richest in taste and flavours and you should know how to make roast tomato soup. It will take some time to make this soup, but the results will be amazing and you never complain about cooking time.

The main ingredient in roast tomato soup is of course tomatoes. You should use the best one. Tomatoes should be ripen and full of flavours. I prefer to use wine tomatoes. Some chefs use tomato stalks as well to enrich the soup flavours, but I never use them, because tomato stalks contains some poison ingredients, which is better to avoid.

The main idea of the roast tomato soup is to caramelize sugars from the tomato to achieve better taste and flavours of the soup.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Choosing ingredients, use only best one:
    • 2kg ripen tomatoes. In general, tomatoes on vine are more tasty and therefore more preferable
    • 0.5kg red onion.
    • 1 garlic
    • Small bunch of thyme
    • 2 tbsp herbes de provence (Italian herbs)
    • Medium bunch of basil
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 50-100ml double cream
    • Salt, sugar and black pepper to taste

  2. Remove stalks from tomatoes. Cut them in halves or quarters. Peel onion an cut them into quarters. Peel garlic. Place everything into roasting tray. Sprinkle with salt, sugar, black pepper, Italian herbs, balsamic vinegar. Add thyme.

  3. Roast in the oven 180-200 ° for about 40-60 minutes, until vegetables are soft and onion starts to be dark. At this stage you can feel, how much flavours these vegetables producing.

  4. Place all vegetables into a large soup bowl. Deglaze roasting tray with boiling water. Transferring vegetables – remove hard stalks from the thyme.

  5. Add water to cover all vegetables, but not too much. Just level it and bring to boil. Boil for about 30 minutes checking for salt, sugar and black pepper.

  6. Add basil and remove from the heat. The main idea is to warm up the basil leafs, but do not boil them, because you can loose all flavours.

  7. Blend everything with the stick blender. At this stage you can choose, what do you like, chunky soup, or very smooth, creamy soup.

  8. Mix in double cream. Again, it is very important to check its taste, because some people like more creamy soup, and some don't. Adjust it to your taste.

tips and tricks

  • Serving this soup, it will be a good idea to decorate this soup with fresh basil leafs, sun dried tomatoes or pesto.
  • You can freeze this soup and keep in freezer until you need it.
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by: Librarian
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tags: cream soup; easy recipes; restaurant recipes; tomato

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