How to make sun-dried tomatoes

Published: 13-Jan-2014 (02:23); Viewed: 5117; Difficulty: 3 out of 10

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How to make sun-dried tomatoes
Sun-dried tomatoes are tomatoes, that loose almost all their moisture during drying on the sun. It is possible to make almost the same tomatoes at home in the oven. Probably they will not be so sun-dried, but their taste and appearance will be much better, which you can find in any standard store.

These sun-dried tomatoes can be stored for almost unlimited time at room temperature and used when it is necessary. These tomatoes are perfect for example with chorizo sausages.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients:
    • Few kg of a ripe plum tomatoes. There is no point to use small amount of tomatoes for drying, because they will loose about 70-80% of their weight during drying process.
    • Spices and other ingredients. It is necessary to note, that the exact amount of spices and herbs as not crucially important and should be adjusted to the taste.
      • Garlic, 2 bulbs per each kilo of tomatoes.
      • Basil. 1 small bunch for each kilo of tomatoes.
      • Olive oil. As much as it is necessary to cover dried tomatoes in the jar.
      • Black pepper:salt:sugar mixture. This mixture should be made in the following proportions: 2:3:5 – 3:3:5, depending on how much black pepper you prefer.
      • Balsamic vinegar

  2. Prepare pepper:salt:sugar mixture in proportion from 2:3:5 to 3:3:5, according to your personal taste.

  3. Remove skin from tomatoes. If not sure, how to do it, read how to peel tomatoes. Cut them into halves.

  4. Put tomato halves obliquely into large tray in one layer. Sprinkle all tomatoes with the salt-shugar-pepper mixture. Use aproximately 10 gm of spice mixture per each kg of tomatoes. Leave tomatoes at he room temperature for at least one hour and drain all the juice formed in the process of short salting.

  5. Place tray with tomatoes into the oven at 100 ° C. It is preferably to use oven fan to dry them faster. Leave the oven door slightly open to make the way for steam to escape.

  6. Dry, tomatoes about 4 hours, until they loose almost all moisture, but not completely dry. They should be slightly soft on touch, like raisins.

  7. Mix chopped garlic with chopped basil and plenty of olive oil.

  8. Fill the glass jars with dried tomatoes and and garic-basil-oil mixture. The simplest way – place one layer of tomatoes, press them firmly, add 2-4 tsp of garic-basil-oil mixture, add layer of tomatoes etc. At the end, add 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar to each half-litre jar and also some olive oil to cover tomatoes.

tips and tricks

  • It is possible to use violet basil instead of green basil.
  • It is possible to use tomatoes with skin for drying, but the final result will be much worse, and I highly recommend to spend some time and peel them.
  • Use small glass jars for dried tomatoes.
  • If you plan to store these tomatoes for longer than few weeks, it is necessary to pasteurize them. It is possible to warm jars in the oven at 90 ° C about 3 hours and then seal them.
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by: Librarian
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tags: canning; dried food; tomato

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