How to cook shaggy ink cap omelette

Published: 05-Oct-2013 (23:17); Viewed: 3685; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to cook shaggy ink cap omelette
Omelette is very beautiful meal which can be improved by different extra ingredients added to an eggs before cooking. This is very easy to follow recipe, which can be repeated by inexperienced chef. Mushrooms are always perfectly matches with eggs, and shaggy ink cap mushrooms with they extra strong but mild aroma are ideal for dishes with eggs. In this recipe I'll explain how to cook 3 or 4 portions of shaggy ink cap omelette.

First of all, you should collect some shaggy ink cap mushrooms not earlier than four hours before cooking.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for tree portions of shaggy ink cap omelette:
    • 2 dozen of young shaggy ink cap mushrooms
    • 7-8 eggs
    • 100 ml of milk.
    • Small bunch of parsley
    • 25 gm of butter
    • Salt to taste

    Mushrooms should be without black areas. Slightly dark gills are acceptable. Also mushrooms should be clean from the soil bits.

  2. Beat all eggs into a large bowl.

  3. Add milk to the eggs and beat them with fork or whisk.

  4. Add chopped parsley and salt to taste.

  5. Clean and chop mushrooms. Remove black parts of mushroom gills.

  6. Melt butter and fry shaggy ink cap mushrooms until they shrinks and the liquid evaporates. Salt them slightly.

  7. Add beaten eggs to mushrooms. Cover with lid. Reduce heat to minimum and cook until the eggs cooks completely, i.e. all liquid solidified.

  8. Slice and serve.

tips and tricks

  • Please do not collect wild mushrooms, if you are not absolutely sure in classification. Never pick up unknown mushrooms. Please not, this is very serious warning.
  • Please avoid any alcohol consumption in the day when you've cook shaggy ink mushrooms. Just in case if you've confuse these mushrooms with very similar. This is not deadly dangerous, but the vomiting will be quite severe.
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by: Librarian
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tags: breakfast; easy recipes; mushrooms; wild mushrooms

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