How to cook pork kebab, Japanese style

Published: 19-Aug-2013 (03:12); Viewed: 3655; Difficulty: 2 out of 10

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How to cook pork kebab, Japanese style
These pork kebabs are not proper meat kebab (shashlik) described previously, because plenty of the taste and aroma of the final dish is produced from marinade rather than from the mead and burning fat. Also, because this meat is very lean, it is much easier to keep it worm for a long time, without loosing its quality. It is possible to say, that this pork kebab is a well-runner, rather than ultimate winner. Also, this kebab is cooked with tomatoes, which generally is wrong, because the cooking time of tomatoes differ from the meat cooking time, but in this case, the tomatoes are only used to make meat more juicy, already with cooked tomato sauce. Also, this is the easiest kebab to cook, it is almost impossible to make any crucial mistakes. In this article I will tell how to cook pork kebab for many people, but for certain, consider to use 250-350 gm of meat per portion.

Why I've call this barbecue “Japanese style”? Only because the combination of sauces in marinade is very similar to traditional Japanese barbecue marinates.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients for approximately 10 large portions:
    • Boneless pork leg. 3 kg.
    • Plenty of cherry (or plum) tomatoes, for 3 kg pork leg it is necessary to have about 60 cherry (or plum) tomatoes.
    • 2 bunches of fresh coriander.
    • 2 bulbs of garlic
    • ½ ping of soy sauce (Kikkoman as usually my choice for cooking)
    • ½ ping of vegetable oil
    • ½ pint of 4% acidic vinegar.

  2. Separate meat into a single muscles, remove all fat and all tendons and sinews.

  3. Cut meat into 1½ inch cubes. Again, this size is very optimal for this recipe.

  4. Prepare all other ingredients – chop coriander with stems. Press garlic, and measure all sauces. In your vinegar required strength adjustment – do it.

  5. Mix together all ingredients and marinate overnight in the fridge. Yes, this recipe requires long marination time.

  6. Put pork meat on the metal skewers. Place half of tomato between each two meat cubes.

  7. When you've got all meat prepared on the skews – you can start charcoal grill.

  8. Preheat charcoal to medium high temperature. He distance between charcoal and meat should be about 15-20 cm. Turn skewers few time during cooking to avoid burning from one side. Cook until the meat will be well done inside. On the picture you can see fully cooked meat, ready to be served.

tips and tricks

  • It is better to use pure non brewed 4% acidic vinegar, rather than malt vinegars.
  • Do not add any salt – soy sauce will be a good source of salt for the meat.
  • It is important to remove all fat from the meat, because this is a fat-free meat recipe
  • In the meat looks tough, you can add minced kiwi fruit into a marinating meat about 30 minutes before you will start to use it.
  • This recipe works perfect for fast food restaurants!
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by: Librarian
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tags: barbecue; japanese cuisine; oriental cuisine

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