How to make Montreal steak spice

Published: 16-Aug-2013 (00:34); Viewed: 2848; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to make Montreal steak spice
The Montreal steak seasoning was developed in Canada in 1940s and became very popular in 1950s as a spice mix for steaks. This mix is so popular in Canada, that sometimes this spice is called Canadian steak spice. Using of this Montreal steak spice is very simple: just sprinkle steak a hour before cooking with this spice and ad a drop of any oil to accelerate the action of flavours from this spice mix.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients:
    • 2 part of paprika
    • 2 part of black pepper
    • 2 part of rock salt
    • 1 part of dried chopped garlic
    • 1 part of dried chopped onion
    • 1 part of ground coriander
    • 1 part of dill seeds (use fennel seeds as a possible substitution)
    • 1 part of chilli flakes

  2. Ground all spices together and store in a sealed container for not longer than one day.

tips and tricks

  • Montreal steak spice is very hygroscopic and adsorb water very quickly, therefore do not store this spice for a long time, prepare only as much as you need it for daily usage.
  • For 1 kg of meat it is necessary to use about 1 tbsp of Canadian steak spice, which give you rough guide about amount of spices required for preparation of this spice mix.
  • If you take one part as ¼ tsp, then in total you will ave almost one table spoon of the spice mix (92% of 1 tbsp to be more presize).
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by: Librarian
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