Published: 18-Apr-2013 (00:13); Viewed: 5558; Difficulty: 1 out of 10
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4 votes.
Home made sweets are better, because you definitely knows what is inside,and you can adjust taste to your preferences. The sweetens from the condensed milk is balanced in these sweets with coconut and flavoured with almond aroma. These sweets are very refreshing and perfectly suitable for tea or coffee.
step-by-step instructions
Ingredients for 40-50 sweets:
Condensed milk, one standard can, 375-400 gm.
Desiccated coconut, 130 gm for sweets and 50 gm for cover dusting.
Coconut powder, 70 gm.
Blanched Ground Almonds, 2-3 tbsp
Whole almonds, 50 gm.
Mix condensed milk with desiccated coconut, coconut powder and ground almonds. Store this mixture in the fridge for 24 hours.
Take one headed teaspoon of this condensed milk and coconut paste, place one nut inside this pile of paste.
Formate perfect ball of this paste with nut inside and place it into a shallow plate with desiccated coconut.
Roll sweet ball in a plate with coconut chippings, until all the surface of the ball will be dusted with coconut.
Store sweet coconut balls on the large tray, cover with cling film and keep them in the fridge.
tips and tricks
It is possible to use only desiccated coconut instead of mixture of desiccated coconut and powder.
It is possible to use hazelnuts instead of almonds.
Do not be confused, and do not use concentrated, or evaporated milk! Only condensed milk is suitable!
These sweets can be kept in the fridge for a long time. The only problem, they will slowly dry out.