How to make stuffed pike
Published: 29-Dec-2012 (02:17); Viewed: 5823; Difficulty: 6 out of 10
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Pike is a very tasty fresh water fish with earthy, swamp flavors. In this recipe, I will tell you, how to make stuffed pike. This is rather complicated process, but the final result is amazing, and suitable for any events. Average 2 kg pike will make three decent portions. Also you should have some skills to handle fish, otherwise the preparation time will be extremely large.
step-by-step instructions
 Ingredients. As was stated above, 2 kg pike will make three portions of stuffed pike, and all ingredients we will calculate for one 2 kg pike.
- Whole pike, not cleaned.
- Onion, one average sized.
- Carrot, one average root.
- Egg, 1
- Bread, 150 gm.
- Parsley, small bunch
- Semolina, 1 tbsp
- Milk, 150 ml
- Vegetable oil, 100 ml
- Spices
- Nutmeg, ½ nut.
- Black pepper, ½ tsp
- Salt, 2 tsp.
 Dirty job. Descale fish with not very sharp knife. Do all you best to do not pierce the skin.
 Cut the fish body near the head, cut through the spine, but leave small piece of the skin uncut. Remove gills from the head and most of the stomach content. Do not break the gallbladder.
 Carefully, take of the skin from the fish body. Do not break the skin. All fins should stay on the skin. Cut the spinal bone near the tail and keep tail with the skin. Chop off the internal fin bones near the skin. This step is reasonably difficult, but it is crucial as well, because the pike skin should not be damaged.
 Clean fish fillet from the stomach content. Separate meat from the bones. Please pay attention to remove all small bones. Do not worry, if your meat turns into a mince.
 Mince fish fillet. You can either mince it with meat mincer, or quickly chop with knife. I think it will be much easier to chop it with knife.
 Cut onion into a small cubes. Grate carrot.
 Slightly brown onion. Don't make it too dark, just soften it.
 Add carrot and fry it on medium heat about 8-10 minutes.
 Chop parsley leaves. Soak bread in the milk and mash it. Grate nutmeg and mill black pepper.
 Mix all ingredients together.
 Fill the pike skin and the pike head with the mince. Remove all air bubbles from the body. Do not fill it very tight, leave some space for the expanding.
 Brush backing tray with oil. place stuffed fish into the tray and brush all the fish skin with the oil. Insert small wooden stick into the fish mouth – this will make it more fancy after cooking. Roast in the 200 ° C oven 1 h – 1 h 20 min. Brush the pike skin with oil every 20 minutes.
 Remove stuffed pike from the baking tray. If the fish stuck to the tray, do not apply any forces. Just add 100 ml of boiling water and keep in the oven 5 more minutes.
 Slice stuffed pike and serve.
tips and tricks
- You can use flour instead of semolina.
- To make it a bit softer and juicier, add one more onion.
- If the fish stuck to the backing tray – soak it 5 minuted in 100 ml of boiling hot water.
- This How to make stuffed pike recipe, can be used for many other kind of fishes.
- This dish will be perfect when hot, and when cold.
- All spices are given as a guideline, and they should be adjusted to the taste.
by: Librarian