Published: 24-Feb-2011 (04:47); Viewed: 4498; Difficulty: 3 out of 10
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2 votes.
This soup is from “must have” range for any oriental style restaurants. Sweet enoki, or enokitake, with seafood make very distinctive taste. Very easy recipe make this Japanese seafood soup suitable for home cooking with any skills.
step-by-step instructions
As usual, prepare all ingredients. The quality and appearance of this Japanese seafood soup is relay on the quality of ingredients. Please chose the best seafood. To save some money it is better to buy in oriental shops.
1.5 ltr of water
Seafood. You can chose any, but higher variety give better results. So we give just an idea.
2 large cleaned squids
3 large scallops
10 large piled tiger prawns, preferable fresh, not cooked
15 large New Zealand green mussels
300g Enoki. Very easy to buy in any Asda or oriental store
Few garlic gloves
Small ginger root
Sesame oil and vegetable or olive oil
Coriander, green onion/chives and salt
Separate mushrooms from bunch. Finely slice garlic. Skin and chop ginger.
Slice scallops into smaller parts
Cut the back of shrimp and remove and discard the vein the runs
Cut squid into large squares and make thin diagonal cuts on one side of squid body
Roast enoki on the mixture of sesame and vegetable or olive oil
Place cleaned seafood, garlic and ginger into salted boiling water
You should roast enoki, and bring to boil soup simultaneously. Usually, when mushrooms are ready, soup just start to boil
Place mushrooms into boiling soup and simmer for half min
Serve with freshly chopped coriander and green onion