How to cook crayfishes, simplest recipe

Published: 29-Sep-2012 (03:48); Viewed: 2437; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to cook crayfishes, simplest recipe
Freshwater crayfish in many places is the only substitution of prawns, langoustines and lobsters. Some large fish-markets in UK also have crayfishes for sale. Cooking of them is simple, and nothing should stops you to try them. Freshly cooked crayfish is a perfect snack for lagers. On average, it is necessary to cook about a kilo of crayfishes for one portion.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Ingredients:
    • Fresh, live crayfishes.
    • Water. Use 2-3 litres of water per each kilo of crayfishes.
    • Salt, use 2 tbsp of salt per each litre of water
    • Crayfishes have plenty of freshwater aroma, so it is crucially important to use some spices during cooking. Spices for a kilo of crayfishes:
      • Fennel seeds. 1tsp
      • Cloves, ½ tsp
      • Allspice, ½ tsp
      • Peppercorn, ½ tsp
      • Bay leaves, 3-4 leaves
      • Garlic, ½ bulb
    • Dill, medium bunch

  2. Carefully wash crayfishes under running cold water. Let them stay in the water for 15-20 minutes.

  3. In a large stockpot, bring the water to boil. Add salt and spices.

  4. Add crayfishes.

  5. Add dill. Boil about 20-25 minutes for a small crayfishes (on the picture they are small), or about 35-40 minutes for a large crayfishes.

  6. Remove from the water and serve. These crayfishes are perfect when they hot, but also they are very good when they cold.

tips and tricks

  • Use only a live crayfish. If you know, that dead crayfish is died very recently, then you can remove the head and cook only tail.
  • Do not store live crayfishes for a long time, cook them immediately.
  • Boiled crayfishes can be stored about a day in a fridge.
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by: Librarian
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tags: crayfish; easy recipes

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