How to make aromatic butter, Mediterranean style

Published: 13-Sep-2012 (15:47); Viewed: 2981; Difficulty: 1 out of 10

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How to make aromatic butter, Mediterranean style
Many dishes can be very tasty if they are accompanied with aromatic butter or even cooked with aromatic butter. This recipe is originated in Greece, and we would like to propagate this recipe all around the world. This butter should be served worm.

step-by-step instructions

  1. The main idea of this butter, is to add plenty of aroma to the bater and make it reasonably liqudish. Ingredients:
    • Unsalted butter. I do prefer to use unsalted butter, because it will be much easier to control to final taste. 100 gm.
    • Olive oil, 50 ml
    • Garlic, whole bulb.
    • Hot chilly, the amount of chilly is depends on your personal preferences, but we do recommend to make this butter not very hot. For example, one birds-eye chilli fruit will be enough.
    • Brown onion, medium or small.
    • Green onion, one or two sprouts.
    • Parsley, one medium bunch.
    • Green basil, small bunch.
    • Juice of a fresh lemon. Use half of lemon for medium sourness, or whole lemon for high sourness.
    • Salt, 1 tsp
    • Sugar, 4 tsp

  2. Melt the butter with an olive oil in a sauce pan. Do not bring it to boil.

  3. Add chopper chilly fruit without seeds and press the garlic into a sauce pan.

  4. Add finely chopped brown onion, green onion and press the lemon juice.

  5. Add chopper parsley, basil and salt with sugar. Warm it up until the salt and sugar melts completely.

tips and tricks

  • Do not boil this butter, because the butter will be separated into the milk and clarified butter. The 60° C will be optimal.
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by: Librarian
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tags: butter; easy recipes; mediterranean cuisine

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