How To Speed Up My Windows Computer

Published: 05-May-2012 (05:38); Viewed: 2573; Difficulty: 4 out of 10

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How To Speed Up My Windows Computer
You know how annoying it is to deal with a slow computer, especially when you want to play your favorite games, watch movies or you need it to meet a certain deadline at your work. It is a fact that a computer eventually turns slothful with time. The main reason is, as the computer processes data continuously, it falls short of speed as well. However, this serious problem is very easy to resolve. All you need to do is follow the below mentioned basic instructions on a regular basis. This will definitely help you in speeding up your computer.

step-by-step instructions

  1. Registry Fixing: This is the most important tip to improve your computer’s speed. The installation or un-installation of any program in your computer tends to develop changes in the Windows registry, which is responsible for controlling the overall behavior on your system. When these changes are handled inappropriately, they affect the speed of your computer. Thus, a registry cleaner program, by scanning the registry of your computer fixes all the existing as well as potential issues making your computer run in a great speed.

  2. Disc Cleanup: It is recommended to remove all the unnecessary, temporary and old files that are no longer in use. These files occupy a lot of your hard disc space and so, by deleting them you can actually free your hard disc which eventually speeds up your computer. Moreover, there are plenty of hidden programs running behind i.e. in the background that absorb lot of memory as well. For that, you should go to the task manager and close all those unnecessary and unwanted programs from your computer. You will see a remarkable improvement in your computer’s speed.

  3. Defragment Program: If you don’t want to erase your files, you can also choose the defragment program that arranges the file fragments stored in your hard disc. This not only makes your computer run faster but also lets you access those files more conveniently.

  4. Antivirus Program: This is highly essential that you run antivirus program on your computer regularly to scan your computer fully. Having no security program means you are letting plenty of viruses to damage your PC. Hence, a good antivirus program helps in speeding up your computer as it ensures your computer’s safety and keeps your security programs updated as well.

  5. Clear Up Recycle Bin: You can also achieve optimum speed for your computer by emptying the recycle bin on a regular basis. It contains totally unnecessary files that you have already deleted and thus occupy your storage space for no reason. So, by erasing these files you can actually increase your computer storage space as well as its speed.

tips and tricks

  • It’s good that you want to improve your computer’s speed but for that reason don’t do any harm.
  • Go through the above instructions or find help on Windows forum or anyone who you think might know about it.
  • Use your common sense to fix the minor issues related to computer or consult some computer professional for fixing them up.
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by: Muhammad Suhail Ajmal
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tags: recycle bin; windows registry

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